Friday, September 6, 2013

Tourqiose Ring

Hey Guys!
Today's new item is Tourqiose Ring sold on Epic Wonders. Now there is a whole set of Tourqiose accessories. :))
This Ring isn't cheap but it is worth to buy because it looks perfect ,especially on wolves.
And yup it's for nonmembers! oh yeaaa :D
it looks like this when I put on a ring :)
ye yee i try new glitch  ;D

hehe we rock out!!!!

Now you know how this ring looks like on wolf and how much I like glitching around Jamaa. :D
but here is glitch which i don't like :/ 
because then i can't plug pipe and need to restart all adventure if see this glitch . /ughh/ ;/
Advetures are really gliched ;/ but anyway i love that game :))So What about you Jammers? Which is your favorite game?
Jammer don't forget to visit my new page Aj Street Fashion to see the latest accessories +++ i put on new outfits too. :)
And here's a little surprise for you viewers :)

I hope you enjoy my drawing!
So see u next time!
Happy Jamming


  1. anna249 is nice!that blog is awesome!

  2. if you don't like my blog then don't look it and go out of my blog you Anonymous no faceless creature.


Please be nice jammers. Feel free to express your thoughts and opinion but remember don't be rude. Be polite and Respect others jammers.
i hope you all are enjoying my blog too.